What People Are Saying
"...fascinating poems...baffling, surrealistic images, words juxtaposed and facing each other like strangers on a dance floor, asking themselves how they ended up where they are. Pure surrealism...mysterious and evocative...pleasing in their sometimes baffling, obscure surfaces." -
— Edward Lemond (Author of Overheard)
"The poetry of Jason K. Roy taps into the undersides of words, not just the sides found in the dictionary, but the richly textured world of their connotative, associative power. His impressive flair for language is highly evident in every poem of his I have read. Here is a young poet whose work truly deserves the word promising."
— Michael Pacey, author of The First Step. (Signature Editions, 2011)
“Thought provoking, stimulating and unearthing our veiled human emotions. Poetry that requires your full attention, like a great book or film, should be re-read over again, dissected and re-interpreted to reveal hidden depths. Dark, sharp and sublime work. ”
— Lisa de’Ville, Singer-songwriter (Nottingham, UK)